

12/18/20 — Ada Broussard

Greetings Wonderful JBG Readers! This week we have two quick announcements:

1.The farm is closed on Friday December, 25th, and Friday, January 1st.


These are both paid-holidays for our hard-working farm staff who we hope will spend the day surrounded by family with their feet kicked up. Goodness knows our crew deserves it! In addition to these two days, many of the weekend markets are closed on the weekend following Christmas. For these reasons, the CSA Delivery schedules for the next two weeks are altered! If you normally receive your delivery on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday or are located in the DFW area, please note the changes in your delivery schedule below. All other deliveries will take place on their normally scheduled day. Please email A with any questions - farm@jbgorganic.com.

2. Citrus! Our bulk citrus sale is here!

We pride ourselves on only selling produce that we grow here at our farm just east of town. Seriously! We plant, care for, harvest, and wash everything you see in our CSA boxes and market stalls! However! We happily make one exception every winter season for Texas Citrus. There is just nothing like it! For many years now, we’ve worked with David Strohmeyer, a citrus farmer in McAllen, Texas who owns and operates G&S Groves. Each week, David drops off Ruby Red grapefruit and juicy navel oranges, all certified organic, which you can order for pickup at select markets or to accompany a CSA delivery. CSA Members, to add some Vitamin C to your next CSA delivery, just login to your account, click on “My Deliveries” and then choose the delivery you’d like to add citrus to. Not a CSA Member? Order your citrus here.