

01/05/18 — Heydon Hatcher

Our incredible volunteers. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Happy 2018! Right before the start of the fresh, new year, we reached out to our Austin community via Instagram and a mass email pleading for extra hands to aid in harvesting storage crops before an impending freeze. The freeze can wreak havoc upon crops, so getting this produce into storage was of utmost importance. To our surprise, we received an astounding response and had more than 60 people happily show up for us at the farm the following day. These incredible volunteers harvested over 1500 pounds, or 22 bulk bins of produce (specifically carrots, black Spanish radishes, and daikon radishes). Time and time again we are floored by the support of our community, so, we extend the biggest thank you for being there for us this past week.

Speaking of the freeze, everything is just now thawing out at the farm from this past week's deep freeze, and we are still assessing the damage. You can expect a little less variety at markets this weekend, as well as slightly decreased quality in certain crops. Most of our delicate and tender leafy-crops (like lettuces and cilantro) are likely lost. We're crossing our fingers that hardier greens like kale and collards have sustained some damage, but that the plants themselves have not died. Root crops like carrots and beets hopefully sustained minimal damage as they were underground during the freeze.

Bok choy. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Black Spanish Radish harvest. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Carrot harvest. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Carrot legs. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Volunteers all the way down. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Gals and their carrots. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Filling up the bulk bins. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Carrot harvest action shot. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Carrot harvest convo. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Head farmer, Brenton, emptying out his carrots. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Bundled up on the trailer. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Ryan and the radishes. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Carrot sorting at the barn. Photo by Scott David Gordon.